Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Politics, Religion...and CAS

Does anybody else find it strange that we cannot earn CAS hours for anything related to politics? We study government so closely in History HL...

The reason I ask is because I just got back from a focus group meeting for a man who is campaigning to be mayor in our little town. At this focus group there was great passion in our ideas - brainstorming was fun and stimulating, I've never been so inspired by volunteering until now!

And so I ask, why deter IBers from politics? Politics gets us (or myself, at least) motivated to do something in our own community and more aware of local issues!

I don't want to go on a rant, but I want your input. Do you think the IBO should allow us IBers to do political activities for CAS? What about religious activities? Does it really matter to you?


Julie said...

Hi there,
I saw your blog on the You Know You're IB When... group wall, and I think it's quite helpful for those starting out in the programme and others who may need help along the way.

However, contrary to your assertion, you CAN do political activities for CAS - it just depends on what your definition of political is (I guess). Participation in model UN or parliament is often considered for CAS, or in larger organizations such as Amnesty International or WHO. I feel like your activity should be counted as CAS or CA at the very least. Clearly brainstorming is a creative aspect, and you got out and got involved which should count for action. Being an active citizen deserves credit, because it's a service that most people in our society neglect.

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